The average house price on TREDARVAH DRIVE is £716,589
The most expensive house in the street is THE PINES TREDARVAH DRIVE with an estimated value of £840,435
The cheapest house in the street is THE WHISPERS TREDARVAH DRIVE with an estimated value of £591,153
The house which was most recently sold was PENTREATH TREDARVAH DRIVE, this sold on 7 Dec 2023 for £675,000
The postcode for TREDARVAH DRIVE is TR18 4SU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
LITTLE TREDARVAH TREDARVAH DRIVE Detached £738,369 £415,000 24 Mar 2006
PENTREATH TREDARVAH DRIVE £696,399 £675,000 7 Dec 2023
THE PINES TREDARVAH DRIVE Detached £840,435 £325,000 1 Nov 2002
THE WHISPERS TREDARVAH DRIVE Detached , 109 m2 £591,153 £475,000 22 Mar 2019